๐Ÿฆ Staking

It's simple, convenient, and most importantly, rewarding.

BetSwirl Staking


We're thrilled to present our robust staking program.

Powered by the renowned and secure Curve Finance MultiRewards contract, our system allows you to stake BetSwirl tokens (BETS), accrue valuable rewards over time (in MATIC |ย ETH |ย BNB |ย AVAX), and reclaim your tokens whenever you wish.

It's simple, convenient, and most importantly, rewarding.

To read more about the launch of our staking check the medium article.

Analytics: Staking


Single Staking1.0Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Arbitrum One


BetSwirl Staking rewards distribution

At its core, BetSwirl staking is simple and will share with you every month protocol gain from the past month. Then it let you:

  1. Stake your BETS and earning incremental rewards.
  2. Monitor your stakes and rewards with real-time updates on our dashboard.
  3. Compounding or unstaking your tokens and claiming your rewards when you choose.

๐Ÿ”ฅ Good to know: All fees collected by BetSwirl in BETS tokens are burned, not redistributed. This process gradually reduces the overall supply, making BETS inherently deflationary, which may increase its value over time.


  • What do I stake? BETS only.
  • What do I earn? Native gas token from the chain you stake on: MATIC on Polygon, AVAX on Avalanche, ETH on Arbitrum, BNB on BNB Chain. (Note that token will be distributed wrapped, you just have to unwrapped here if you want: https://jumper.exchange)
  • Are my BETS locked? No.
  • Is the contract audited? Yes, itโ€™s a fork of Curve finance staking contract which has been audited dozens of time.

How can I stake?

Let's walk through the process of staking with BetSwirl...

Step 1 - Visit BetSwirl

Go to the BetSwirl dApp. This is your command center for all things related to staking.

Step 2 - Connect Your Wallet

Click on the "Connect Wallet" button. Follow the simple steps to connect your wallet to BetSwirl.

Step 3 - Stake Your BETS

In the "Stake" section, input the number of BETS tokens you want to stake, approve the spent allowance, then hit the "Stake" button.

Congratulations! You've successfully staked your tokens, and they're now earning rewards.

Step 4 - Monitor Your Stakes and Rewards

Directly from the staking page, you can now check on your staking and reward status. Here, you'll see your total staked BETS and the rewards you've accumulated.

Step 5 - Withdraw and Claim Your Rewards

Once you decide it's time to cash out, you can withdraw your staked BETS and claim your earned rewards. Just use the "Withdraw" and "Claim Rewards" buttons in your dashboard.

Step 5 bis - or better, compound you gain and increase your position

Want to take your staking game to the next level? Meet compounding, the powerhouse of maximizing your staking rewards!

Compounding involves reinvesting your earnings back into the staking pool to earn even more rewards. It's like a snowball effect; your staked amount gets bigger and bigger, and so do your potential rewards.

With compounding, you're putting your rewards to work. Instead of leaving them idle in your wallet, they are out there in the BetSwirl pool, earning you even more rewards. It's a smart strategy to maximize your gains.

Understanding Periods

In the BetSwirl staking protocol, the reward distribution is structured around periods that are refreshed monthly. Canโ€™t be more easily! These periods serve as the foundation for calculating rewards for the stakers.

Each period typically lasts for a month, and the rewards designated for each period are determined at the beginning of that period.

At the start of each new period, the reward tokens designated for that period are deposited into the contract by the protocol, ready for distribution. These tokens are distributed proportionally to the stakers throughout the period, based on the number of tokens each user has staked.

This period system provides a reliable structure for the BetSwirl staking protocol. It allows for flexible adjustment of reward amounts (possibly with some extra bonuses thrown in for good measure ๐Ÿ˜ƒ) each month and ensures a fair distribution of rewards to all stakers on the 4 blockchains: Polygon, Avalanche, BNB Chain, Arbitrum.